PowerMatch Glossary
We want to help our customers navigate the evolving energy landscape. That's why we've provided clear definitions of the terms you may encounter here.
term | Definitions |
PV | Standardised PPA generation profile based on hourly, energy-source-specific enwex index solar (DE) |
Wind | Standardised PPA generation profile based on hourly, energy-source-specific enwex index wind (DE) |
GSP_PV | Standardised PPA generation profile solar (DE) with coupled guarantees of origin of German origin |
GSP_Wind | Standardised PPA generation profile wind (DE) with coupled guarantees of origin of German origin |
GoO_PV | Guarantees of origin for solar energy |
GoO_Wind | Guarantees of origin for wind energy |
FlexHL | Standardised flexibility supply profile of the minimum (+100%) and maximum (-100%) hourly day-ahead (SDAC) exchange electricity price of the German market area |
Base | Standardised base load delivery profile (+100% in the delivery period) |
Peak | Standardised peak load delivery profile limited to weekdays (Mon-Fri) between 8 am and 8 pm (+100% in the delivery period) |