Videos & Podcasts

We love to discuss energy trading and the path towards 100% renewables. Dive in to get to know our views on both. If you are looking for a speaker for your event, don't hesitate to get in touch...

"Baseload is over" | Podcast @ Energiezone

We discuss (in German) recent developments in the energy sector with Ilan Momber and Alexander Graf in their podcast "Energiezone". Of course, energy trading is on the forefront of the topics discussed, especially our new approach to PPA products through PowerMatch but also the standardization of renewable energy generation shapes such as wind and solar structures through the ENWEX Index.


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“The Overall Imbalance in the System is Lower” | Webinar with Lion Hirth

The question of proactive balancing group management to support the power grid has been a hotly debated topic in German electricity trading for years. Should balancing responsible parties - as in many other European countries - also be allowed to support the grid in Germany through deliberate imbalances in their portfolios or not? We discuss this topic (in German) with Prof. Dr. Lion Hirth of NEON Neue Energieökonomik. Additional information on the mentioned study by Lion can be found in our blog...


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“Short-term power trading – have the machines taken over?” | German Energy Day @ Montel

Delve into the rapidly evolving landscape of short-term power trading and find out how artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning technologies are reshaping the industry, driving efficiencies and raising critical questions about the future role of the human trader. Amani Joas is giving a presentation at Montel's German Energy Day and analyses the opportunities and challenges facing the power sector as it embraces the machine revolution in this insightful discussion. For even more insights on the topic of algotrading, read our blog or listen to Amani's podcast with Montel Weekly...

From Action to Zuccess

Knowledge is Key

Achieving 100% Renewable Energy is a generational task which requires innovation and knowledge on an unprecedented level. We will get faster to 100% Renewable Energy when we as a generation share as much information as possible with each other. This is what we strive for with our School of Flex.

Flex Index

"How much money can I make with a battery?", we get asked a lot. To answer this question, we created the Flex Index, which is a transparent reference for the value of flexibility on the German power market. Check it out...

Videos & Podcasts

Nothing beats first-hand knowledge from experts. Our energy traders and engineers give insights into their job, the market environment they operate in, and what we are working on.

Speaker wanted?

You are on the hunt for a speaker on topics such as power trading, battery energy storage, or the need to balance renewables?

Ask for a speaker and we will send one of our experts to your lecture or conference.

Do you have it in you to be an energy trader?

Find out by taking the ultimate power trader's quiz and answer questions on energy markets and trading strategies!

Discover our Services

FLEXPOWER helps you to bring your portfolio to the energy market. We combine over 25 years of experience in renewables trading in our seasoned team of short-term energy traders. We manage large-scale renewable portfolios and flexible assets with our lean and fully digitized approach.