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FlexPower believes that the Energy Transition is not only about spreading Renewable Electrons but also knowledge to help speed up the energy transition with well informed minds. So we are happy to share our knowledge, be it for universities, at industry events or at energy policy conferences.

Power Trading

As power traders we like to talk about, well, power trading... We can cover the latest developments on European spot markets as well as the depths of specific flexibility markets like ancillary services. Our own trading floor that is active 24/7 gives us all the necessary insight and experience when it comes to the actual job of buying and selling power on liberalized markets.


A relatively new development in the European energy market is the increase in PPA contracts to deliver power from renewable asset operators to (C&I) consumers. Having pioneered a PPA platform to match generators with offtakers, we are happy to share our insights into the PPA market.

Energy Transition

What is the current status of the transition towards a decarbonized energy world that will rely on 100% renewables? What are the roadblocks that are still there and slow down the journey? How can power trading, renewables forecasting and the aggregation of distributed assets help to smoothly integrate solar and wind into our energy system? 


The latest craze in the energy trading space is algotrading. We love to discuss the pros and cons of automated electricity trading and the role of humans within it

Battery Optimization

What is the current price for flexibility on the electricity market? How can I optimize my BESS dispatch to benefit from price fluctuations on short-.term markets? We love these questions and have answers!

Amani Joas, speaking on Montel's German Energy Day in 2023
Meet Amani

Our (Primary) Speaker

Meet Amani Joas, one of our founders and managing directors, who loves to interact with industry professionals and beginners alike. He is an energy transitioner in the field of renewable energies, BESS and electricity trading. 

He holds a BSc in Management, Politics & Economics from the London School of Economics and a Master of Public Policy from the Hertie School of Governance and the University of California, Los Angeles.

Joas gained extensive experience in energy trading: He helped build up trading at Next Kraftwerke as a short-term trader, developed short-term trading at Priogen in Amsterdam as a senior trader and was lead trader in short-term electricity trading at E.ON.

Track Record

Amani has taken part in dozens of conferences and lectures, find a selection of his recent appearances here:

  • Energy Trading in the Context of the Energy Transition (Seminar at Hertie School of Governance 2020, 2021,2022)
  • Short Term Trading in Times of High Volatility (Aurora, 2023)
  • Algorithmic Trading on Short Term Markets (Montel, 2023)
  • Flexibility in Energy Markets in short and long term markets (EEHH, 2024)
  • Power Shapes in Forward Trading (Montel, 2024)

From Action to Zuccess

Knowledge is Key

Achieving 100% Renewable Energy is a generational task which requires innovation and knowledge on an unprecedented level. We will get faster to 100% Renewable Energy when we as a generation share as much information as possible with each other. This is what we strive for with our School of Flex.

Flex Index

"How much money can I make with a battery?", we get asked a lot. To answer this question, we created the Flex Index, which is a transparent reference for the value of flexibility on the German power market. Check it out...

Videos & Podcasts

Nothing beats first-hand knowledge from experts. Our energy traders and engineers give insights into their job, the market environment they operate in, and what we are working on.

Speaker wanted?

You are on the hunt for a speaker on topics such as power trading, battery energy storage, or the need to balance renewables?

Ask for a speaker and we will send one of our experts to your lecture or conference.

Do you have it in you to be an energy trader?

Find out by taking the ultimate power trader's quiz and answer questions on energy markets and trading strategies!

Discover our Services

FLEXPOWER helps you to bring your portfolio to the energy market. We combine over 25 years of experience in renewables trading in our seasoned team of short-term energy traders. We manage large-scale renewable portfolios and flexible assets with our lean and fully digitized approach.