New electricity trader enters the European energy market

Posted in   Energyblog   on  November 28, 2022 by  Amani Joas

CF Flex Power GmbH ("FLEXPOWER") is a new trader entering the European electricity market. The Hamburg-based power trader focuses on the market integration of renewable energies and the potential of stationary battery storage to provide flexibility for the electricity market. In addition, the new trading house offers its services not only to operators of renewable energy, but also to utilities, industrial consumers or other electricity traders who want to have parts of their portfolio traded by third parties for risk reasons or staff shortages.

The registration of an own balancing group with the transmission system operators, the acquisition of the first customers and the conclusion of financial PPA contracts have already been successfully completed.

The team of FLEXPOWER consists of veteran traders and engineers experienced in the growing European short-term trading market. With 25 years of combined active trading experience, which the founders have gained at various German and European trading houses, the company considers itself well prepared for the current capriciousness of the continuously emerging energy markets. The four founders and managing directors - Max Amir Dieringer, Amani Joas, Jan Egidi and Mirko Thoden - have known each other for many years and have already worked closely together at a Cologne-based trader for renewable energies.

The company receives capital for its founding and business development, as well as for the collaterals required in electricity trading, from its British sister company. As a joint venture between the founders and the London-based firm CF Partners, the young company sets out a partner established on European energy markets since 2006.

Max Amir Dieringer (CEO of CF Flex Power GmbH): "We are ready and excited to launch with our own renewable portfolio on 01 January 2023. As passionate traders, we are able to safely navigate the currently stormy seas of the energy markets. Our team is able to provide our customers with the necessary security, expertise and ability to benefit from valuable opportunities. We see that the times of a subsidy-driven energy transition are coming to an end. Accordingly, we want to support customers with our market know-how to benefit from price fluctuations through optimal generation- and demand decisions."
Jonathan Navon (CEO - CF Partners UK): " We have partnered with some of the best power traders in the European energy market and look forward to expanding our energy- and certificate product offerings across the European continent. FLEXPOWER will benefit from our years of experience in the energy industry and customer relations across Europe, while we will benefit from their outstanding expertise in short-term power trading.”
Amani Joas (C3PO of CF Flex Power GmbH): "We start into the new year with a team of 15 experienced energy market specialists and plan to continue our rapid growth. After completing the basic infrastructure setup, we will increasingly focus on flexible assets. The current price volatility clearly signals the increasing demand for flexibility, which is urgently needed to get closer to the goal of 100% supply from renewable energies."


For press inquiries, please contact
Amani Joas | | +49 176 15655871


Energy, Flexibility, Trader

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